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Updated: 2024-01-25

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Tuesday, November 14, 2023 and Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Home - Journeys - Thailand 2023, November, December - Tuesday, November 14, 2023 and Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Waiting at the airport.

Waiting at the airport.

Waiting at the plane.

Waiting at the plane.

Today we leave for Thailand.
We fly at half past nine and we will be in Bangkok tomorrow about half past two local time. Transport to Schiphol will arrive between three and half past three so that we will be at Schiphol around five o'clock. We'll have plenty of time then.

In the morning we first take a walk in the Mheenpark and then we pack. We are allowed to take a total of 4 suitcases of 23 kg each and two pieces of hand luggage of 7 kg. Everything we want to take with us just doesn't fit into three suitcases, which will all be heavier than 23 kg, so we take a fourth, small suitcase with us.
We finish packing just before the transport arrives. And at a quarter to four we drive away. The weather is good at first, but as we get closer to Schiphol it starts to rain, raining harder and harder. We arrive at Schiphol at a quarter past five. We eat and drink something at Schiphol Plaza, which is very expensive.

At a quarter past six we will hand in our hold luggage, we have already checked in online. The EVA Air counter opens at 6:20 PM and there is already a long line, so we join. It goes quickly, at seven o'clock we have handed in our luggage and we walk to the checkpoint.
As usual, Tom's chain causes some delay, and we also have a tube of ointment in our hand luggage, which is being carefully examined.
The passport check goes faster and then we go to the gate. We have a drink along the way.
We can board almost immediately at the gate. We have two seats in the front row of the Comfort Class and that means spacious seats and quite a lot of legroom, but we also paid for that.

The plane, a Boeing 777, leaves at half past nine, right on time, and we get food at half past ten. The food is decent but we are not very hungry. During the meal, somewhere above the Balkans, we come to an area with a lot of turbulence, and that is not easy to eat. At some point even the flight attendants have to sit down.
After a while it calms down again and the food is cleared away. The flight goes smoothly and Tom even sleeps for a few hours, Pia watches a movie.

We land on time at Suvarnabhumi airport in Bangkok, a few minutes after half past two, we walk quickly to the passport control. Because Pia, in addition to a Dutch passport, also has a Thai passport, we can both stand in the very short line for people with a Thai passport.
The luggage also arrives fairly quickly, because of the Comfort class our luggage is unloaded with priority.
We are in the arrivals hall at a quarter to four.

And then we have to wait more than an hour before Moue arrives, she still has something to finish at work.
In the meantime, her daughter Focus will come to us with the Airport Link.
Loading the luggage into the car is a bit messy, it is extremely busy at the airport, but around six o'clock we arrive at Moue's home in Lat Krabang where we will stay during this trip.
We unpack our suitcases, make our bed and then we go for a bite to eat with Moue and her children. We eat along Thanon Chao Khun Tahan at a restaurant where they sell rice soup and some other dishes, Bingsu Nom6: Halal. It tastes good.

We go to bed early, we are very tired.

Written on: 2023-11-17


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This is not a travel guide, nor is it advice to visit a place or not. There are other sites for that.
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It is our view of the situation at a certain moment and that view is influenced by our mood, the weather and many other factors.